A wise woman posted.....

"When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you....."

Thursday, June 19, 2008

From this....

to this....

Only took 45 minutes.
New Record!!
Anyone else have a kid who takes what seems like FOREVER to acclimatize? I understand adapting takes time, but 45 minutes? Is this a normal kid thing or is Keanon just hyper-sensitive to routine variances? Or worse... am I doing something wrong? Every time we do something Keanon doesn't do EVERY day we run into the same problem.... fits and more fits. Any ideas on how to shorten the "acclimatization" phase? Transition ideas? HELP!!!!
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

When Daddy's Away.... His Son Will Play!!!!

I was importing pictures from our less used camera (yes we have two digitals,(Dave has an electronics fedish!) one is pro grade and huge thus less used) and found these. While Dave was in Brazil the first part of May, I was talking to him on the phone and what happenes? I hear Keanon say "Ma, it tuck (stuck)!" I went to see what was stuck and it turns out there were quite a few things"tuck" in the fish tank! Mr. K had unloaded my purse into our pristine fish sactuary!
I think the fish thought it was Christmas! The new "fish toys" left by one very mischevieous Mr. K included: toothbrush, lotion, eye glass cleaning spray, hair elastics and other various asundery of things!
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This one's for you Greg!!!!

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Playing God....

So Keanon decided to natural selection into his own hands. We went to visit the ducks the other day and there was a new nest with two eggs in it. Well, there were also a few really cute ducklings waddling around on the othe side of the pond so I decided to get closer and take some pics. Well, I cannot count how many times I have told Keanon that he can look at the eggs in the nests but he can't touch them becuase he could hurt the baby duckies! Well, As I am taking pictures I turn around just in time to see something white and egg shaped fly through the air and land SLASH!! in the pond. This all happened in slow motion as I saw Keanon throw the egg into the pond and was so shocked I just stood there. It was like in the movies where the guy knows something bad is going to happen and everything goes slo-mo and he screams NOOOOOOOOO while trying to stop the inevitable. I was so devestated that my heart just sunk. Poor munborn baby duck. So I went over to the nest to check that I really did see a flying egg and sure thing... nest eggs short by one! Just to make positivly certian I check the pond and about 15 feet out there it was under 18 inches of water. I stood there wondering if I should go in after knowing that if I did Keanon would come in after me. Choosing my son's safety over the ducklings I just left it. The next day we went back to the pond and the egg was back in the nest! Someone with out a 2 year old must have felt just as bad as I did and put the egg back. Thank heavens for good sumeritians!!! Do you think the egg can still hatch?
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Almost only counts in horseshoes...

Well, As you can see we are getting closer to the Kitchen being done but we are not there yet and as my Mom used to always tell me... almost only counts in horseshoes! I can't wait to have the upstairs construction dust but a distant memory!

List of "Honey Do's" still left:

Base boards
move stuff back in
Glass for doors
New Windows

Any of you men out there Jealous? Just checkin!
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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Can't Sleep

Keanon has a Doctors appointment tomorrow at ten. Nothing new right? No reason to feel apprehensive to the point of insomnia right? Well, let me vent a little. I haven't been back to Primary Children's since October 25th 2004, the day Amada passed away. I am the type of person who hates to have fear and apprehension control my life. So I usually deal with my fears head on. I didn't want to have to find detours when driving up by Primary Children just to aviod that rembering all those times making that"dreaded drive" so I forced myself to drive it several times right after Amada died. I have not however been able to make myself enter those massive glass doors. Well, Keanon's appointment tomorrow will require me to do just that! He is seeing a ENT at PCMC and I am nervous to say the least. Not about the appointment but about all the emotions and memories that may hit me the moment those doors open. I still remeber the first time I walked in to the lobby. The seriousness of my daughters situation hit me like a ton of bricks and I just broke down right there.... every time I went in after that it was the most difficult thing I did all day but I knew Amada needed her Mom so I did it for her. I guess now that is why I do it again... Keanon needs his Mom and I WILL NOT let my fears or the past get in the way!