A wise woman posted.....

"When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you....."

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ride "EEE"

Keanon LOVES to Ride!! He can't say Horsey so he calls them "EEE"s... The whole way to G'ma Sanny and G'pa Tony's I heard "Ride EEE, Ride EEE!" My only opinion on the matter at this point ( aside from how stinkin' cute it is) is good thing he is an only child, I am finding that riding is not going to be a cheap hobby!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sharing Sisters....

As many of you know, for quite awhile Dave and I wondered if we would ever have kids. Now this thought does something weird to a woman. I was suddenly thrust to a fork in the road on the the path of life. I could get bitter that things were different for Dave and I or I could be greatful that I had so many adorable women in my life with the cutest ever kids! Luckily these amazing "sisters" (related and not) willingly share their most precious possessions, their children, freely with me. This is just a shout out to all those women who have helped me cope by letting me love their babies. I love you all and your children too. You have helped me heal and for that I am eternally grateful.

PS Sometimes I get asked why I am crazy enough to "play" with so many kids at one time (example: The BYU vs. Utah Game) and I just say if you were faced with that fork in the road like I was, I know all of you would say as I did... bring um' on, the more the merrier!!! So feel free to share! We always have room for more playmates at the McKenna home!

PPS I must give a BIG shout out to the woman who truly knows my trails and had heart and faith enough to give me a chance to be a Mother! I love you always and forever Kate! I know your sacrifice and I am honored to take this journey with you!
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

For Katie and Jackson...

These are the pictures that my nephew Jackson and niece Katie drew for me in church on Sunday. Katie asked me if I was going to post them on my "blog" so this post is for her. It is so funny to here a 5 year old talk about blogging! Gotta love technology, and nieces and nephews. Can you tell which one gave me which? Katie's is the Pony and Jackson's is the picture of me with my new short haircut! Oh I love them!
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At least he is consistant!

Well, Somethings never change. He has the most comfortable bed in the house and he chooses to sleep in a laundry basket! Any of you Mom's out there have advice on how to get this cosistantly random sleeper to stay in bed instead of sleeping every where else in his room?
Keanon's other random zen spots:
Behind his Bed
Behind the Door
Top shelf of his Changing Table
Inside his bookcase
And Finally: The Laundry Basket
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What the SNOW????

Who would have guessed that today is the First of May!
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