A wise woman posted.....

"When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you....."

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008.. The celebration of Families, Love, Food and Our Savior

On the 21st we spend the evening with Mr K's Birth Family. Everytime we get together it is so much fun. We have great food ( thanks Tony) and AWESOME company! Thank you for letting us join you in this Christmas celebration of love, and good old-fashioned Holiday Cheer!

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On Christmas Eve we spent the night at The M's. It was good food, loved ones, and a adorable nativity. Mr. K was a wise man and a cute one at that. Thanks all for the good times and memories. We sure did miss you Dad!
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After the M's good eats and acting practice, we went over to my M's family's and began a new tradition. My Mom has this huge Advent calander that is in the shape of a large house. She had hiddent he nativity figurines in the different compartments and Mr. K got to find them. we then read the story Silent Night while lil' man put the figures out as we came to that part in the story. He had a blast and it was a great way to include the savior in the life of a 2 year old and have him enjoy it too! We finished off with the traditional orange sticks ( a tradition started by my great grandma Jones) and a round of the Christmas fav "Silent Night". It was a great time. However, we did miss the P's and our other lil' men!

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On Christmas Morning, Dave woke up earlier than Mr. K. He couldn't sleep cuz he was too excited to see lil' mister's reaction. Well, as you can tell, Santa picked the perfect gift for a lil cowboy who LOVES horses and cows... a BIG RED BARN. We couldn't have done it better Mr. C! Dave just had to get K a baseball bat. Thanks ESPN! I hate your theme song now! And I went with the tractor. You have to have something to carry all those animals around right? It was so much fun to see K get sooo excited. We also sang Happy Birthday to Jesus ( K's request) Dave and I had tried to explain that the reason we celebrate Christmas and give gifts is because it is Jesus's birthday so he decided we had to sing the traditional bday song. This may become a new family tradition. Is it a bit sacreligious tho? Please weigh in... Dave and I are stumped.

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Then it was off to my fam's for the traditional Christmas morning brunch. Again... more great food, treats and family... see a pattern here? My dad loves Santa Claus so all the boys sport there Santa hats and my Dad pulls the gifts out of this great santa bag. Thanks for the great memories Mom and Dad!
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The M family gift exchange was next and watching the kids get more excited about what they got for eachother rather than what they got from eachother was the cherry on top. Man how I love Christmas and Family but most of all my Savior. This was a scaled down Christmas compared to many in my past but I seemed that the light of Christ was more evident this season than those previous. May we keep that light in our lives the coming year. Hope you have a great Season.

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow boots and a new Camera....

Got a new Camera and just had to share.

Again... I just have to say... Thank you Mr. or Mrs. "UNKOWN",

This new camera Rocks!

4 pics per second... Love it!

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Comings and goings at our house....

Well, if you haven't heard already, last week our house was broken into. There seems to have been more going than coming but hopefully the insurance company can help with the later. It has been a bit of an adventure. I didn't realize how addicted I was to my computer or our TV until now. Also on the stolen addiction list... my camera and 28, 000 pics on my hard drive. I would just like to thank mr or mrs "UNKNOWN" for helping me free up some time. What better Christmas Present than a little extra time to spend with the ones you love? So I say thank you "UNKNOWNS". If you could just leave all my pictures by the back door you would have provided me with the best Christmas ever. Also, if you steal excess weight, we have plenty to spare so come on back!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Feeding Fish is Easy....

Have you ever read the fish food container closely? If you haven't, I will point out a few important points.

1. Feeding Guide: Feed...only as much as your fish can consume in several minutes.

They need to give a more definite number instead of saying "several minutes." For instance, 1 day = 1440 minutes (several minutes); 1 week = 10,080 minutes (several minutes). I would recommend not feeding your fish as much as you think they will consume in a week's time.

From Fish

2. Cleaner and Clearer Water Guarantee.

Cleaner and clearer than what, pea soup? They need to specify what they are comparing against.

From Fish

3. If your son or daughter decides to feed the fish HALF of the container of fish food, I don't know how many "several minutes" it will take for them to consume all of it.

From Fish

4. If your son or daughter decides to feed the fish HALF of the container of fish food, the fish tank still may be cleaner and clearer than pea soup. I'll let you be the judge of that.

From Fish

I recommend you keep the fish food container "out of the reach of children," and I wish they would have printed that on the container. This is what will happen if you don't.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Good thing he is cute...

Before hitting the Christmas tree with the stick....

After hitting the Christmas tree with said stick....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Just had to post this one. It say's it all! I love you Dad. Thanks for being such a great "PA"!
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